Pertective Styles: Drawstring Ponytails | Black Hairspray

by - 7/27/2017 12:00:00 AM

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are of my own. 

One of my favorite protective styles is a drawstring ponytail. I love how natural they look and how versatile they are for everyday life. You can easily transform from natural to a protective style in less than a minute. Which is a major bonus for me being a busy mom and naturalista. Today I'll be sharing with you 4 drawstring ponytails that I'm totally obsessed with that are perfect if you want to give your natural hair a break or even if you feel like having a new look for the day. 

Vivica A. Fox Bang & Pony Synthetic Ponytail 

I love this look because it really doesn't require much work and doesn't require too natural hair left out. I also love this look because it can be dressed up or dressed down for any occasion. 

Outre Timeless Synthetic Bun – Bow Small

This look is super simple and elegant at the same time. I love that this bun can be dressed up or dress down for everyday life. Can we say perfect for wedding season!! You can easily do this look at home or have your hair stylist add their magic. 

Outre Timeless Big Beautiful Hair Synthetic Ponytail – 4c-Coily

This ponytail is mega bun goals. I've been natural for almost 7 years and my hair is just naturally thin and I am unable to reach this looks no matter how hard I try with my natural hair. I love that this look gives me a nice full ponytail without the hassle of doing it yourself. 

FreeTress Synthetic Equal Drawstring Ponytail – Bohemian Fro

As you can tell. I love hair styles that I can wear on a whim and can easily be re purposed for any occasion. This drawstring ponytail is one of my favorites because it gives the illusion that you have a half of wig on which I love. This wig is also full and is super easy to install. I typically will gel down my edges for this look and viola you have a new-look that takes just a few minutes to create. 

Can you believe that I found all of these looks on one amazing site? How awesome is that! I love that the Black Hairspray offers a vast variety of hair products from drawstring ponytails too, wigs, lace fronts, weaves, beauty and hair care products. They are an Authorized Dealer for many top brands and offers a no hassle, 30-day return policy, price matching guarantee.

What's your favorite drawstring ponytail style?

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  1. Wow. I believe that this hair spray can be a perfect choice for us to maintain our hairs and give them a perfection.

  2. These are some beautiful styles! Plus it's so handy to have them all available in one place. That can help a busy mom out. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great styles for an on the go mom!! Great post!!!

  4. These are all beautiful and honestly shocked you found these on Amazon...loving the small bun 😍

  5. Wow these are GORGEOUS! I loooove amazon!


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~Mrs. Delightful