6 Tips for Beginning Gardeners

by - 5/16/2017 10:34:00 AM

Hello friends! Happy Gardening :). Today I'm sharing six tips that I wish I knew when I started gardening for beginning gardeners. I started gardening almost ten years ago and I've learned a lot along the way. 

Be ready for pests

Pests are going to come large and or small. I didn't have this problem so much with my container garden when it was on my deck. However, I did have it when I started my raised bed garden. I sprinkle cayenne pepper and cinnamon around my garden. However, I do plan to add a garden fence this year for extra protection. I'll keep you guys posted.

Keep a Journal 

I never thought about keeping a journal until one of my garden friends mentioned it. I think it's a cool way to keep track of what you planted and the progress of each item. I'm sure most stores have a fancy garden journal. However, I plan on using a DIY journal I created. One of the purposes of the garden journal is to check track of your garden. For instance, On April first I planted lettuce seeds. On April 15 I plants the veggie pods in my garden. May 30th. I picked my first bunch I lettuce leaves. 

Plant what you eat

Many people don't know what to plant when they start a garden. I always say to plant what you eat. Write a list of all of the veggies that you like and decide on which ones you would like to plant and harvest for that year.

Start off small

When I first started my garden. I started off with a tomato container plant. I had no idea what I was doing. I remember I just purchased my home that winter and I went to my local Home Depot and purchased a plant that was mature. I honestly don't remember the results. However, it was truly a memorable experience. You learn so much about yourself when you start a garden. 

Watch spacing 

When deciding which vegetables you want to plant. Remember that not all plants can be planted next to each other. Also, make sure that you flower the directions. For instance this year I planted sugar snap peas. ( oh, how I love thee ) the directions are clear on the seed packets. Plant the seed 3 inches apart and once the plants are about 4 inches. Space the plants out every 6 inches. My suggestion would be to keep all of you seed packets and set a reminder in your journal or on your phone. To remember to space the plants out. 

Zone planting 

You can't plant when everyone else is planing. Follow the seed packet. It clearly shows you when to plant. You can also do a quick google search to find the information. Of course, you should always wait until the last frost to plant items in your garden outside. Just be patient your time will come to plant the items in your garden or place them in your container. Trust me, I get it. I have social media friends who already have tomatoes plants that are ready to pick up. Based on their time zone. They were able to plant in their garden sooner. 

Ask/ Google 

When all else feels Google, YouTube and ask. I've asked fellow gardens questions about any tips on gardening. I always want to learn when it comes to my garden. So I'm never hesitant to try and educate myself. Don't get me wrong. I'm by no means a garden guru. Just a Mom who likes fresh veggies. Also, they're plenty of forums and Facebook groups that you can join. 

Do you have a garden? 

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  1. I don't have a garden But those tips are well stated to be a gardener.

  2. Great tips. I have been wanting to start a garden, but am concerned to the number of deer that we have!

  3. Your post has prompted me to own a garden.. We changed our house & there is no garden ..Really miss it! Good tips for gardening.

  4. I wish I could plant stuff, but it'll all die. I just admire the plants in my mother's garden. Maybe one day I'll try to garden again.

  5. These are great tips! We started our first garden this year, and we just did 2 raised beds. Starting off small! And the seed packets and google are super helpful!

  6. this is so informative !! i guess i need to made a journal for updates !! thanks alot for a lovely share

  7. I am a passionate balcony gardener and found ll the tips very useful.Going to follow them too.

  8. I do not have a garden, but my grandmother and my mom had their with a lot fresh vegetables...I can still remember that devine smell of fresh strawberies. Nice memories.

  9. My mum has been gardening for 10 years too and we grow what we eat but I must admit first year we weren't prepared for the pests

  10. I want to start with stuff I can plant inside an apartment. I don't have a lot of space. :(


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~Mrs. Delightful