Blizzard of 2017

by - 3/14/2017 02:06:00 PM

Blizzard of 2017

Happy Tuesday Everyone! It's currently a snow day in Connecticut. Last Friday most schools canceled school due to the snow. However, my town made the decision not to close schools which I was very pleased with. For one being that it's not like a free day. Yes, safety comes first. Always. However, I would prefer for my son to get out of school on time during the summer months vs. Not getting out of school until late June. 

When I was a kid, I looked forward to snow days. I used to wake up that morning watching the news waiting to see if my school was on the list. This was before the pre-cellphone days as well as before the schools would call and send an email. 

Yesterday, I was contacted which felt like as soon as the schools let out. I decided to go to my local grocery stores. Of course Aldi's, two minutes before closed. The shelves were bare. However, I did want to make sure that I picked up the essentials. Of course by the time I got in line. It was after 8:00 pm and the clerk was super sweet. I headed to my other favorite stores to look around. I wanted to pick up a steamer to list items that needed to be steamed on Poshmark and Ebay. I've been procrastinating with getting one for the longest. I actually would like to get as I would like to call it “a big boy” one. However, I want to wait until I see one for a really good price. Plus, I've been going this long without one. So I may be okay.

Anywho, currently, we're still under a travel ban. I believe most places are closed. Getting ready to make dinner.

How are you spending your Tuesday?

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  1. First of all, I LOVE Aldi. Did you know its a German chain? I used to live in Germany back in the 90's and we shopped there all the time. I survived a snow day up here in Massachusetts today! And tomorrow we have a two hour delay which means no school for my youngest. AAAGHH! I am ready for spring!

  2. Wow that looks cold. I live in Florida, but it's not as warm as it normally is this time of year. It was only 65 degrees today which is chilly for here. Hope you warm up soon!

    Beth ||

  3. Oh man. This looks like heaven to me. I've lived in Australia for all of my life, si I've never even seen snow. One day! *sigh*

    Christie's Take on Life. xx

  4. I know Frozen is such a beautiful and inspiring movie, but never in real life with blizzards like this. Stay safe.

  5. I live in D.C and we were supposed to get more snow than we got. It has all melted here but I am still enjoying my time inside working with a cup of hot tea <3

  6. This makes me so glad to be living in Florida. I feel bad for complaining about how cold I am right now lol

  7. Wow that is some serious snow! It hardly snows where I live, and having less than an inch on the ground makes people freak out and close down!! I hope you're staying warm~ My favorite winter activity is baking ALL THE COOKIES.

    Next Garden

  8. Oh bless your heart. Winter is holding on with all it's might this year. Stay safe and warm. What a cute doggie.

  9. Love your cute lil dog! I live in the DC Metro area and we just got some snow, not as much as originally predicted but enough to get schools cancelled. I spent the day with my daughter, it's fun being cozy with my mini :)

  10. Hope everything went well with you through the blizzard. We have had some bad weather this year in California but I've never had a snow day where I am at. It's a bit different here.

  11. Ohh Blizzards already! Looks like your pet is enjoying the cold weather. Enjoy your day and stay safe as well!

  12. That blizzard looks like one of the biggest storms of the winter this year! Even in Florida, we had very chilled winds and the temperature was in 60's. Hope you get warm soon!

  13. The weather has been weird this year,I feel. Stay safe and warm and you have a cute dog.

  14. I am happy you all had quality time together thanks to the wonderful snow day. Since moving to Alabama, everything closes if there is a possibility of snow or ice. I love it. Looks like you all enjoyed it.

  15. Great post, I live in Chicago and am very lucky we didn't get all that snow


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