8 Things On My Fall To-Do List

by - 10/25/2016 12:52:00 PM

Fall is here and I have a list of things I would like to do. Eight to be exact. This is by no means an extravagant list. It's just a list for me and what works for me. The older I get. I am really starting to realize how beautiful the fall is in New England. The leaves are so bright and pretty. Everything just looks picture perfect. But you're seeing it with your own eyes. The air is so crisp. Yes, the days are shorter and the nights are colder. The scenery makes up for it.

Anywho, enough rambling, sharing below my Fall To-Do List

Sleep in late

I never sleep in. I'm an earlier riser and my body naturally get up at a certain time every morning. I would love to spend a day lounging around the house. No social media, no computer just enjoying the day.


I am not a huge fan of pumpkin or all thing's pumpkin. Growing up, the only thing we had pumpkin were the pumpkin seeds from our pumpkins. As an adult, I like the taste of pumpkin donuts. I love how they're sweet but not too sweet.

Leaf Peaking

I've never been leaf peaking before but I would like to spend some time just taking in the beautiful scenery. Not sure if were going to do this as a family. Now that my son is teen he may not want to hear it.

Apple Picking

We went apple picking a couple of years ago and it was so much fun. My family isn't interested in going again. I am going to try and make a day date out of it with the Mister.I love fresh apples and grew up with an apple tree in our backyard. Plus, taking pictures at the apple orchard. Yes, please!


I would honestly like to go somewhere. It feels as if I haven't been on vacation in so long. I would even take a staycation visiting New York or Boston or even staying in our own state. I just would like to do something.


It feels as if I haven't made the time to read. I read here and there. But I used to finish a book in a day. I would like to implement reading more this fall.


It so hard to attend a professional football game with our schedules. I would like to attend a professional football game though. I've never been. We don't have a team in our state which means I would have to travel to New York or Boston which I'm fine with. The only problem is I'm not the biggest fan of the cold. *sigh* Which is why I really wanted to go to a preseason game.


I would really like to visit the National African American Museum in Washington, They are currently sold out of timed passes. I guess I would just have to visit on a whim. Which you guys know I'm down for.

Any plans this fall?

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  1. Ahh, hope you get to check those items off your to-do list this fall! We don't have fall here, but I would probably be adding the same things to my list too, if we had!

    Abigail of GlobalGirlTravels.com

  2. I love this list :) Apple picking and reading are def in the plans for me!


  3. You had me at slepp in late. Been waiting for 11 months to do that. Jason Young

  4. Leaf peaking sounds perfect! I love slowing down and appreciating Gods creation.

  5. I like the sleeping in late part! haha I've never been apple picking, but it sure seems like fun!

  6. Oh my goodness, I would love to be able to do just one of these! Can we send my children the memo lol

  7. Great list! I love the sleeping in late one ;)

  8. I'm a SAHM with both kids in school so I have all day to myself. My husband takes the kids to school so the earliest I wake up every day is 9:30. I usually sleep until ten. No fall fun here in SC though. It's really warm and we don't have apple picking that I know of and leaves take forever to fall off the trees.

  9. Love your list. Baking pies are really fun to do in the fall. I just made an apple pie last week and it was really good. I need a stay cation too.

  10. Love your list! It's started to be very cold this week with a slight of flurries this afternoon. So, sleeping late is one of the plan I wanted to add in my fall list.

  11. These sound like great plans for this fall. I am also looking to read some more this fall,

  12. I love that your to-do list is all about slowing down and relaxing! It's the best season to be lazy and to just enjoy everything else in life.

  13. I'd like to try apple picking. I'm not sure where we can do it here, it seems like an American tradition.

  14. i love you list! it makes me want a pumpkin latte and to curl up on the couch

  15. I love all the list but im more with sleep all day. no computer at all. Just want to rest the whole day. :)

  16. Lovely list:) I'm planning first trip with our baby boy:)

  17. Very nice list. I I love the apple picking - I use to do that when I was young.Need to start doing that again.


  18. Fall is my favorite season! I hope you get to enjoy doing everything on your list.

  19. It's a great list, I'm happy to have enjoyed some already. :)

  20. Staying in and just enjoying the weather is awesome! This season is perfect for people who love staying at home, like me! Love your suggestions!

  21. I share the same sentiments with having watching live ball myself. Though I didn't really have any real plans for fall, but this Christmas I think I'll spend a little more than usual.


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~Mrs. Delightful