Doughnut Holes

by - 10/16/2013 07:31:00 AM

For some reason, I was in a true baking mood on Monday. If you follow me on Instagram, then you saw the cookies I was in the process of baking. (I will post later about the cookies, I was being a good girl and allowed them to refrigerate for 24 hours)…  I follow so many people for so many reasons, on instagram… including people who bake a lot, which keeps me on my toes, LOL. So I saw someone post something about apple donut holes???!!! Yes, I was all IN!! Of course we ran out of apples, so I decided to go with plain doughnuts. I must say this recipe was simply delicious. The donuts were light and fluffy. The only thing I would do different is spray the scooper I was using for making it easier dropping the dough in the oil.

Thank You For Stopping By!



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  1. Those donuts holes look amazing!! I got hungry when I saw your IG picture :) Maybe I'll give them a try soon!

  2. Those look so good. I've never attempted donuts, perhaps I'll try these.


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