Container Gardening?

by - 6/20/2013 06:38:00 AM

Ok, so I’m determined to succeed with my garden this year. Last year was the first time I actually attempted  a garden in my yard (in ground), and it was a total fail. Everything grew at a miniature size. Have you ever seen a grape size tomato that is supposed to be full size tomato? Yes, just imagine that! The sad part about is that the Mister would come home with tomatoes from other people’s garden that was ten times the size of my vegetables…Well,  this year I’m back to using containers. I still have no idea what I’m doing. I know, I know… with Blogs, Pinterest, Google and YouTube. I still feel as if I have no idea what I am doing…I started my garden late May early June (In New England a lot of people start Memorial weekend, or so I was told.)  I am planting this year
Tomatoes, green peppers, cauliflower and lettuce (I purchased the plants, and did not start with seeds)
I will try to keep you guys updated… I am just being honest, if my garden looks a hot mess I will not be posting pictures online, LOL anywho…

Do you have a garden? Any tips?

Thank You For Stopping By!



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  1. I'm a huge gardener but with flowers not vegetables. This is the first year in 20 that there is no gardening since we are building a house. I miss but planning some plants for our new place in my head. Good luck with your garden. Come visit Cloches and Lavender to see what is going on and become a new follower. I follow your blog.


  2. I am looking forward to getting settled at our new home so that I can get started. I am thinking I will start off with a box. It looks like it is going to winter so I am trying to figure out what can be planted during the winter. I think I will container garden our herbs. I think I will get started on that soon.

  3. hahaha....I hope you'll be posting pictures. I can't wait to start a garden next year. For the past 7 years I've been living in apartments or renting houses with no lawn space. We have lots of space for a garden now. I'm sure you'll have lots of tips and hints to post so I'll be taking notes ;).


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~Mrs. Delightful