Red Frame- Happy Monday!

by - 11/14/2011 07:43:00 AM

I hope you guys had a wonderful weekend!

I spent the weekend doing totally randon stuff. I did not stop at any thrift or craft stores.... Just time with family and friends.
This weekend a relative asked for my help with decoring her party. Early in the week I sent her a long list of menu ideas. Well, on Saturday when it was time for the party. I went in our garage for our fabulous platters. Well, while looking for the platters. I came across this adorable frame that would be perfect for our tween's room.

Okay, so I had this frame in our garage for over two years. I remember purchasing the frame at Target after Valentine's day. (Like many other things the frame just sat in our garage). As soon as I returned home from decorating (Sorry, not pictures). I decide to look for the perfect picture to go in the frame...

Two weeks ago I had a bunch of pictures developed from our tweens first football season. I love the elements of this picture... I decided to place this picture on our tweens desk.
He's my MVP!

Do you ever find anything in your home, garage, attic or basement that you forgot you even had?

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  1. I find stuff all the time. Sometimes I brought it less than a week ago and forget about it that quick. Now before I go shopping I have learned to take a peek in those hidden corners because I might have an unfinished project or two:)

  2. I find soo many treasures in my garage. I usually ask myself why I never used them. I love the picture you used for the frame. I'm working on my tweens room and its a lot of fun finding art for her.

  3. Summer:

    Thanks! It is so much fun putting everything together for his room :)

    ~Mrs. Delightful


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I would love to read your thoughts... Thanks for sharing Happy comments :).
~Mrs. Delightful